Turkey records 844 coronavirus-related deaths in last 5 months

Morgue workers wearing suits and face masks stand next to newly-buried graves of people who died of COVID-19, on May 21, 2020, at a cemetery in Istanbul, amid the COVID-19 outbreak caused by the novel coronavirus. AFP

Turkey has recorded 252,945 COVID-19 infections and 844 virus-related deaths in the last five months, the Evrensel daily reported, citing data from the Health Ministry.

One hundred eighty-one people died of the coronavirus in November, 252 in December, 231 in January, 95 in February and 83 in March, according to the ministry.

In November, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), which had controversially stopped releasing death statistics during the pandemic, published the death statistics for the years 2020 and 2021.

The TurkStat data showed 22,139 people died from the coronavirus in 2020, with most of the coronavirus-related deaths occurring in the 65-74 age group, while the figure was 65,198 in 2021.

According to data from the Health Ministry announced in November 2022, a total of 101,492 people died in Turkey during the coronavirus pandemic in 17,042,722 registered cases.

After Turkey announced its first coronavirus case on March 11, 2020, the institute in 2021 stopped releasing the “Death and Causes of Death Statistics,” which came out every June, leading to the omission of the elderly death toll for 2021.

Most recently, Ahmet Göksu, who is jailed in Turkey’s central province of Aksaray, has told his family that inmates suffering from COVID-19 cannot access proper healthcare and are not taken to the hospital. According to Göksu, there are critically ill prisoners among those who have contracted the virus in prison.

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