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Admiral Mustafa Uğurlu

Turkish admiral summarily dismissed during NATO assignment tells NPR: Maybe I’m not as safe...

Rear Adm. Mustafa Uğurlu, Turkey’s flag officer at NATO’s Allied Command Transformation (ACT) based in Norfolk, Virginia, who was summarily dismissed from the military...

Diary of deceased journalist tells of his ordeal as a cancer patient in prison

The journal of deceased journalist Mevlüt Öztaş, who succumbed to cancer after his belated release from prison, details his ordeal in prison as a...

80-year-old Turkish actress faces 8 years in prison on Erdoğan insult charges: report

An 80-year-old Turkish actress is facing more than eight years in prison on charges of insulting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for several years...

Turkey detains 74 over Gülen links on anniversary of coup attempt: minister

Turkish police on Monday detained 74 people across 27 provinces over their alleged links to the faith-based Gülen movement, Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya announced...
Fırat Mercan

Case of jailed teacher shows devastating effects of overcrowding and COVID-19 on prisoners

The case of a jailed teacher whose health deteriorated in prison after sleeping on the floor for five months due to overcrowding but who...

Woman arrested on trumped-up terrorism charges worries for the mental health of her children

Saniye Biçer, who was arrested on trumped-up terrorism charges, said in a letter to prominent human rights activist and pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)...

Erdoğan sues opposition politician over remarks calling him a ‘dictator’

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has filed a lawsuit against a main opposition party politician seeking TL 250,000 ($32,000) in damages for remarks accusing...

Turkish gov’t detains closed Zaman daily’s lawyer Odabaşı over Gülen links

Turkish police detained now-closed Zaman daily's lawyer Ali Odabaşı allegedly as he was trying to escape persecution of the Justice and Development Party (AKP)...

Jailed Kurdish leader Demirtaş: Human tragedy unfolding in Turkish prisons

A human tragedy is unfolding in Turkish prisons, said Selahattin Demirtaş, the jailed former co-chair of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), in a...

Turkish diplomatic missions in the US are hunting down critics of President Erdoğan: report

Turkish diplomatic missions in the United States are continuing to profile critics of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in parallel to an ongoing witch-hunt in...

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Latest Reports

Family Punishment in Turkey: How Erdoğan Uses the Nazi Practice of Sippenhaft

The Stockholm Center for Freedom (SCF) today released its latest report, “Family Punishment in Turkey: How Erdoğan's Uses the Nazi Practice of Sippenhaft,” a...

Human Rights in Turkey: 2023 in Review

The Stockholm Center for Freedom (SCF) today released its latest report "Human Rights in Turkey: 2023 in Review," which highlights the most important developments...

Hate speech and hate crimes against Syrian refugees in Turkey

The Stockholm Center for Freedom (SCF) has released its latest report, “Hate speech and hate crimes against Syrian refugees in Turkey,” a study that...

Human Rights in Turkey: 2022 in Review

Download PDF This report highlights the most important developments in the area of human rights in Turkey during the year 2022. Authoritarianism continued to gain ground...

Pushbacks of Turkish asylum seekers from Greece to Turkey: Violation of the principle of...

Download PDF   This report focuses on how illegal pushbacks by Greek authorities have devastating consequences on Turkish asylum seekers upon their return to Turkey. In recent years...

Turkey’s Transnational Repression: Abuse of asset freezing mechanisms under the pretext of prevention of...

Download PDF This report focuses on how the Turkish government’s decisions to freeze assets based on the pretext of preventing the financing of terrorism have...

Rule of Law(lessness) in Erdoğan’s Turkey: Violation of the principle of legality and no...

Download PDF This report focuses on how the criminal prosecutions and trials conducted on charges of terrorism since a coup attempt in Turkey in 2016...

Human rights in Turkey: 2021 in review

Download PDF   This report highlights the most important developments in the area of human rights in Turkey during the year 2021. Increasing pressure on the...