Document exposes large-scale spying campaign on critics in Australia by Turkish diplomats

The Turkish government used its diplomats in Australia to carry out a large-scale spying campaign on opponents of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and...

Turkey’s Labor Ministry refuses to certify exam of former public servant despite scoring second...

A former public servant identified only by the initials A.B., 28, said he was not awarded his certificate by the Ministry of Family, Labor...

Turkey’s interior minister denies strip-search claims, brands rights advocate MP a ‘terrorist’: report

Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu denied recent claims made by pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) deputy Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu that police strip-search detainees, accusing...

Erdoğan remains defiant amid calls for release of Kurdish leader Demirtaş following European rights...

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan sounded defiant in the face of statements from Germany, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and...

Erdoğan sues opposition politician over remarks calling him a ‘dictator’

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has filed a lawsuit against a main opposition party politician seeking TL 250,000 ($32,000) in damages for remarks accusing...

Kavala’s ongoing detention runs against Turkey’s commitment to rule of law and respect for...

The decision last Friday of an İstanbul court to continue the imprisonment of philanthropist and human rights activist Osman Kavala on charges related to...

Police response was proportional, says Justice Ministry in the case of ‘Saturday Mothers’ protestor...

The police did not use excessive force against Aydın Aydoğan, whose arm was broken by the police on August 25, 2018 during the 700th...

Court orders continued detention of activist Kavala at first hearing of coup-related trial: report

An İstanbul court has ruled at the start of a new trial for a continuation of the imprisonment of prominent businessman and human rights...

Turkey ranks second in jailing journalists: Committee to Protect Journalists

Turkey ranks second after China in jailing journalists, according to the annual global survey of the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), which was published...

Turkey’s massive purge forces even the most fragile to leave

The story of a Turkish asylum seeker in Greece who had to leave Turkey despite suffering from esophageal cancer shows the lengths to which...

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Family Punishment in Turkey: How Erdoğan Uses the Nazi Practice of Sippenhaft

The Stockholm Center for Freedom (SCF) today released its latest report, “Family Punishment in Turkey: How Erdoğan's Uses the Nazi Practice of Sippenhaft,” a...

Human Rights in Turkey: 2023 in Review

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Hate speech and hate crimes against Syrian refugees in Turkey

The Stockholm Center for Freedom (SCF) has released its latest report, “Hate speech and hate crimes against Syrian refugees in Turkey,” a study that...

Human Rights in Turkey: 2022 in Review

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Download PDF   This report highlights the most important developments in the area of human rights in Turkey during the year 2021. Increasing pressure on the...