A judge-rapporteur from Turkey’s Supreme Court of Appeals has been slammed for sexist remarks in his newly published book, titled “A Public Prosecutor’s Duty to Conduct Effective Investigations,” in which he gives advice on how to avoid seduction by women.
In the book Judge Asım Kaya, who is also a lecturer at the Justice Academy of the Ministry of Justice, which trains future judges and prosecutors, says prosecutors need to be careful when interrogating women because they can “attempt to seduce male prosecutors.” He adds that women will also use “their innocence to deceive their interrogator” and feign fainting, crying or forgetfulness.
Kaya advises the prosecutors to have a female officer present during interrogations so that the woman cannot claim anything unlawful had happened during the interrogation.
Mustafa Yeneroğlu, a lawyer and deputy from the opposition DEVA Party, criticized Kaya on Twitter for his “outdated views” on women.
Adalet Akademisinde ders veren bir Yargıtay Tetkik Hakimi de kadınlarla ilgili bu saçma sapan görüşlere sahip olup bir de bunları ders kitaplarında hukuk öğretisi olarak eğittikten sonra kadın-erkek eşitliği mücadelesinin ne kadar zor olduğunu takdir etmemek imkansız. pic.twitter.com/wdt1rHifVC
— Mustafa Yeneroğlu (@myeneroglu) April 14, 2021
Kaya responded to the criticism, tweeting that most of the quotes were taken from German law and were not his own thoughts.
Değerli okurlar, atıfların orjinal metnini soran arkadaşlar için paylaşıyorum. Atıfların büyük bir kısmı Alman hukuku kaynaklı. Akademik bir çalışmada, övgü kadar yerginin de önemli olduğunu biliyorum. Söz konusu eleştirileriniz, kitabın 2. basısında dikkate alınacaktır. pic.twitter.com/I9ZapxXBks
— Asım KAYA (@AsmKAYA69984961) April 14, 2021