Government appoints trustees to Lice and Görümlü municipalities

Turkish government has appointed trustees to the Lice and Görümlü municipilaties which have been under the control of popularly elected mayors from pro-Kurdish party.

Police forces raided municipality of Diyarbakır’s Lice district on Thursday evening when there were no personnel in the building. Following the raid, police surrounded the municipal building and the district governorate with barriers. Lice District Governor Sinan Başak has been assigned as a trustee to the municipality on Friday.

A trustee was also appointed to the Görümlü Municipality in Şırnak’s Silopi district while the detained co-mayors have been referred to court after giving their testimony at Silopi Gendarme Command. District governor Savaş Konak was appointed to the pro-Kurdish DBP-held municipality as trustee. Görümlü town’s co-mayors Abdulgaffur Rüzgar and Süheyla Büngül were detained on Feb. 7, 2017.

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