Turkey’s gov’t to destroy 216K textbooks published by Gülen Movement affiliated publishing houses

Turkey’s Education Ministry has decided to destroy at least 216,233 copies of math and science textbooks published by publishing houses affiliated with the Gülen movement, according to Hürriyet daily.

Turkish government is proven anew to know no boundaries in taking paranoiac steps against its perceived enemies. Since the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan pinned the blame for the July 15 coup attempt on Turkish scholar Fethullah Gülen, anything that could remotely be associated with him gets immediate punishment.

The ministry is in process of destroying textbooks of approximately 70,000 kilograms, and of reprinting revised editions of the same books for TL 43,741,626 at the beginning of the next school year.

A total of 29,000 teachers have so far been dismissed permanently from profession while another 22,000 got their licenses revoked because of their alleged links to the Gülen movement.

In the meantime, the Turkish Education Ministry has so far shut down 1060 high-schools, 846 student dormitories and 900 prep-schools on similar charges. All of the high-schools were brought to the use of the ministry, while 500 of them were turned into religious vocational schools. (turkeypurge.com)

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