Turkish businessman who spent more than a year in jail over Gülen links dies...

Turkish businessman Ali Hocaoğlu, who spent more than a year in pre-trial detention over alleged links to the Gülen movement, has reportedly died of...

OBS calls Turkey to release jailed human rights defenders immediately, unconditionally

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme between the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) and the International Federation for...

Turkish gov’t detains dozens of people, sentences 114 for imprisonment over alleged links to...

Turkish government has issued detention warrants for dozens of people as it detained tens of them including military officers while İstanbul 22nd High Criminal Court...

Turkey keeps sick inmate in prison after repeated intensive care treatment

Sabri Kaya, an inmate in an Osmaniye detention facility with a heart condition, was sent back to prison after several visits to intensive care...

Man captured by MİT abroad over terrorist links claims he was tortured in Turkey...

A man who was reported to have been captured abroad due to alleged terrorist links and brought to Turkey in July claimed that he...

17 detained as Turkish police intervene in Women’s Day celebrations in Ankara, Tekirdağ

Turkish police teams on Sunday detained 17 people involved in International Women’s Day celebrations in Ankara and Tekirdağ provinces. Ten people were detained in front...

Karaman and Özçelik, Turkish nationals deported illegally by Malaysian gov’t, arrested by Ankara court

Turkish educators Turgay Karaman and İsmet Özçelik, who were turned over to Turkey by Malaysian government under questionable circumstances with a total disregard to due...

14-year-old disabled Berk dies in absence of his father who is in prison over...

Berk Görmez, a 14-year-old disabled son of a Turkish couple, who were dismissed by a government decree under the rule of emergency, lost his...

Systematic torture reported in police headquarter in Bartın province of Turkey

Turkish media outlets have reported new incidents of the systematic torture in the Police Department in Bartın province of Turkey which had come to...

CHUV report: People sheltering in Cizre basement first killed, then burned

A report by scientists from the Vaudois University Hospital Center (CHUV) in Switzerland showed that residents who took shelter in the basement of a...

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Family Punishment in Turkey: How Erdoğan Uses the Nazi Practice of Sippenhaft

The Stockholm Center for Freedom (SCF) today released its latest report, “Family Punishment in Turkey: How Erdoğan's Uses the Nazi Practice of Sippenhaft,” a...

Human Rights in Turkey: 2023 in Review

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Hate speech and hate crimes against Syrian refugees in Turkey

The Stockholm Center for Freedom (SCF) has released its latest report, “Hate speech and hate crimes against Syrian refugees in Turkey,” a study that...

Human Rights in Turkey: 2022 in Review

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Human rights in Turkey: 2021 in review

Download PDF   This report highlights the most important developments in the area of human rights in Turkey during the year 2021. Increasing pressure on the...