Kurdish villagers terrorized at military checkpoint in SE Turkey

A video circulating on social media showed a group of Kurdish villagers being verbally harassed and threatened by soldiers at a checkpoint in the...

Jailed leftist music band member’s arm broken due to mistreatment

Prison guards in western Turkey allegedly broke the arm of Bahar Kurt, a jailed member of the leftist Grup Yorum music band, the Bianet...

Police fired plastic bullets during post-election protests in Kurdish city: report

The Van Bar Association, the Human Rights Association (İHD) and the Association for the Freedom of Lawyers (ÖHD) have prepared a joint report on...

NGO reports physical mistreatment, denial of meals in northern Turkey prison

The Human Rights Association (İHD) has released a report on a Turkish prison in the northern province of Samsun, documenting the alleged physical assault...

Man dies in custody after alleged police brutality

Serhat Kahyaoğlu, a man who on the night of Sunday’s local elections was detained in İstanbul for celebrating by firing a gun into the...

Minor beaten up by alleged plainclothes police officers during Turkey’s Kurdish protests

A video that was widely circulated on social media following the eruption of post-election protests in Turkey’s predominantly Kurdish provinces showed a minor being...

Video reveals torture of young Syrian Kurd who disappeared in Turkey

The family of Ali Veli, a 19-year-old Kurdish migrant from Syria who went missing after being released from a Turkish prison in March, received...

Prison guards refer to notorious torturer while mistreating inmates in SE Turkey

Prison guards in a Gaziantep prison allegedly beat inmates İlhami İşçi and Uğur Ürün over an argument, making reference to a military officer accused...

6 inmates held in cells designed for 3 in NW Turkey prisons: NGO

The Association for the Freedom of Lawyers (ÖHD) has published an annual report on prison conditions in Turkey’s northwestern Marmara region, which found that...

Relatives of inmates report mistreatment, lack of access to clean water in central Turkey...

Inmates in Kırşehir Prison in central Anatolia have been subjected to physical assaults and a lack of access to clean water, the Bianet news...

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Latest Reports

Family Punishment in Turkey: How Erdoğan Uses the Nazi Practice of Sippenhaft

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Human Rights in Turkey: 2023 in Review

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Human Rights in Turkey: 2022 in Review

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