Stockholm Center for Freedom is appalled by the terrible and deliberate attack that took place today in the heart of Stockholm. We join Swedish people in condemning this despicable act that authorities treat as terrorism incident.
Our hearts go out to the victims, their families and friends as we convey our condolences to the bereaved families and pray for the injured to recover quickly.
From the bottom of our aching hearts, we share the grief and sorrow of this great nation that has always welcomed people of different cultural, religious, ethnic and racial backgrounds.
We remain united against terrorism, condemn it with the strongest terms possible, and have full confidence in Swedish authorities in defending the nation, protecting freedoms and liberties against such barbaric attacks.
All those responsible for this attack must be swiftly brought to justice and the full force of the law must be applied to perpetrators.
Any act of terrorism and violence cannot be justified regardless of whomever commits it and for whatever motivation.
Stockholm Center for Freedom