Pro-Erdoğan propagandist threatens Turkish president’s critics with bloodshed

Journalist Fatih Tezcan, a pro-Erdoğan propagandist and preacher of hatred, earlier this week threatened opponents of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan with murder.

“Are you aware of the lists that contain the people we will round up if we once again take to the streets? How will you protect your wives and children from us?” Tezcan threatened in a Youtube video he shared on Tuesday.

“You say we will overthrow and execute Tayyip Erdoğan. How will you protect your wife and children from us? In return for one drop blood of Erdoğan, millions of [drops of] blood will be shed in this country. If you do something like this to Erdogan, if even his fingernails bleed, do you know what will befall you? Are you aware of the lists that contain [the names] of the people we will round up if we once again take to the streets? Are you aware of the lists, the caches and the things that will happen in the event of a coup and the execution of Erdoğan?” Tezcan said.

Celal Çelik, a lawyer for the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), and its leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu said in a statement on Twitter that they would file a criminal complaint against Tezcan.

Another pro-Erdoğan writer, Sevda Noyan, had made controversial remarks on May 3 on a pro-government TV channel that sent shock waves across Turkey as she said she had a list of her neighbors and would kill those who were anti-government or pro-coup in the event of a new coup attempt in the country.

Turkey survived a military coup attempt on July 15, 2016, as a result of which 249 people lost their lives while more than 1,000 others were injured.

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