Maden Family’s relatives afraid of Turkey’s Erdoğan regime to attend in their funerals

Nur Maden and her children.

Cevheri Güven, an exiled Turkish journalist who live in Greece, wrote in online news outlet Kronos that the parents and relatives of the Maden Family, whose 5 members drowned in Aegean Sea as they flee to a Greek island, are supporters of ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) of Turkey’s autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and they are so scared to go to Greece to follow the aftermath of their funeral.

Hüseyin Maden

“I suppose even the relatives of those who drown while escaping from Syria were not so scared of the Assad regime,” wrote Güven and added “This is a striking example in terms of understanding the situation in Turkey.”

Cevheri Güven’s striking article on the tragedy of Maden Family is as follow:

“Hüseyin Maden and Nur Maden, who sailed on the Aegean waters exactly 23 days ago, were teachers like the others… Just two teachers, who were dismissed from their profession with decree law (KHK) no. 675…

A few days ago, when one man and two children’s bodies washed up on the Mytilene beach, the public found out the story of Hüseyin Maden. However, the Turkish refugees in Greece had been searching for them for days. With hope… Maybe they were caught by the coast guards, may be detained in a small camp…

Three corpses; an 8-year-old boy, a 12-year-old girl and a man washed up on the shore. No one presumed that they were the ones, perhaps they were some other people. All the hopes have been exhausted when the daily Greek newspapers announced that the identity card of the man belonged to Hüseyin Maden.

Aegean Sea still did not give the mother and the middle child back… Would there be anyone searching for them in the sea? That is also unknown… They are just a few of them from tens of thousands of refugees running away from the dictators. Are they worth the cost of fuel of any coast guard boat? The abandoned two teachers and their children… Thousands of victims in the same conditions due to KHK, the slaughtering tool of the (Turkish) government… And we celebrate the Teachers Day, as if…

I have known hundreds of Turkish refugees since the emergency has been declared by Turkey. Almost all are teachers. Why would a regime be so hostile to teachers in particular? I think the answer is hidden in the ignorance seizing the power in Turkey. Turkish refugees have been searching for the funerals of the Maden family for days in Greece. We came to know that the corpses were deformed when they came out of the salt water. According to the procedure, DNA samples were taken and then they were buried. On this news, we asked the place of the graves in order to perform funeral prayer on the graveside. We encountered thousands of bureaucratic obstacles.

Feridun Maden

The official authorities did not provide information to anyone but the same surname. The parents and relatives of the family are supporters of ruling party AKP in Turkey. They are even so scared to come to Greece to follow the aftermath of the funeral. I suppose even the relatives of those who drown while escaping from the Assad regime were not so scared of the Assad regime. This is a striking example in terms of understanding the situation in Turkey. 

At the end of the day, as Turkish refugees we are struggling to find where the funerals were buried and ensure that the mother and daughter in the Aegean Sea to be found along with the Greek human rights defenders and Greek journalist friends. On the teachers day, we were unable to visit the grave of Hüseyin teacher with a bunch of flowers in foreign lands. With this embarrassment, on the teachers day, I am apologizing from Hüseyin teacher and Nur teacher. Perhaps his son would have extended a bunch of flowers to the teacher father. Instead of shame for all of us.”