Islamist deputy of Turkey’s ruling AKP: Syria to be 2nd Vietnam for America

The ruling AKP deputy Metin Külünk.

Metin Külünk, a deputy of Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) under the leadership of autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has slammed the US over the deal between PKK/PYD and ISIL terrorist groups and stated that “Syria will be the second Vietnam for America.”

Metin Külünk, who is known as a fanatic Erdoğan supporter, has called on the US to stop dealing with PKK/PYD terrorist organisation in a news conference on Wednesday and stated that “If you want to take the control of the region, this has a cost. You take on Turkey, Iran and Russia.”

“We are not a colony, but an independent country. The US should respect it,” said Külünk and asked “The PKK will be cleaned from Raqqah, Afrin and Manbij [in Syria] soon then what will America do? With whom they will talk to?” Külünk has also accused the US of making efforts to show the PKK as an “adorable entity” “in reply to a common move by Iran, Russia and Turkey” in the region.

The PKK/PYD seized control of Raqqah, the de-facto capital of ISIL, from the terrorist group in a US-backed military operation in early Oct. 2017. The BBC reported on Monday that the deal was struck between ISIL and the SDF, a US-backed force that consists largely of PKK/PYD terrorists.

After speaking to many of those involved in the evacuation, the British broadcaster said a huge convoy consisting of around 50 trucks, 13 buses and more than 100 ISIL vehicles left Raqqah for ISIL-controlled territory to the southeast. The report said ISIL also withdrew at least 10 vehicles loaded with arms and ammunition and the fighters included foreigners alongside Iraqis and Syrians.

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