HRF launches campaign during Turkish President’s UN visit to protest post-coup purge

The Human Rights Foundation (HRF), a New York-based rights association, on Monday launched a campaign protesting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to the city for the annual United Nations General Assembly, posting a video on social media detailing a post-coup purge conducted by the Turkish government.

In the video, in addition to details of the purge some of the many victims were introduced, including Gökhan Açıkkolu, a teacher who died as a result of torture during detention; Serkan Gölge, a NASA scientist who was convicted of Gülen links; Selahattin Demirtaş, a jailed politician who is one of the most influential opposition leaders; and Ayşenur Parıldak, a journalist who was subjected to ill-treatment in police custody.

The HRF also hung posters in the New York subway. HRF last year placed an ad in The Washington Times listing the names of journalists behind bars in Turkey and telling Erdoğan, “You are not welcome.”

The UN General Assembly will be held between Sept. 25 and Oct. 1. President Erdoğan will give a speech on the first day of the meetings.

Turkey survived a coup attempt on July 15, 2016, after which Erdoğan launched a crackdown on dissent in the country, starting with the Gülen movement.

Turkish authorities claim the Gülen movement orchestrated the foiled coup, although the movement strongly denies any involvement. (

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