İzmir governor has banned the “No State of Emergency, Urgent Democracy” rally organized by several labor unions on Wednesday 10 days before it is held in the city’s iconic Gündoğdu square. The event was banned on the grounds that it may harm public order and violate others’ rights and freedoms, the statement by İzmir Governor’s Office said.
“To prevent possible irrecoverable and undesirable incidents that may result in events violating the public order and citizens’ rights and freedoms, the rally themed ‘Democracy, not state of emergency’ was not granted permission,” read the statement released by the governor’s office.
The rally, organized by the Confederation of Trade Unions (DİSK), the Confederation of Public Sector Trade Unions (KESK), the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) and the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) sought permission to perform a march on Dec. 23. The unions were expected to make a public statement on Thursday regarding the issue.
Turkey survived a military coup on July 15, 2016, after which the government declared a State of Emergency. Several opposition demonstrations were banned during the emergency rule and thousands of people were arrested.