Woman who lost legs in HDP rally bombing wins compensation from Turkish ministry

Turkey’s Interior Ministry will pay TL1.3 million (around $200,000) in pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages to a woman who lost both of her legs in a bombing at an election rally of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in Diyarbakır on June 5, 2015.

Lisa Çalan was one of 400 participants of the rally who were injured in the bombing, which took place in İstasyon Square. Five other people died in the same explosion, which occurred just two days before a general election.

After her legs were amputated, Çalan filed a lawsuit against the Interior Ministry for failing to take the necessary measures to maintain security in the area.

In July, the Diyarbakır 2nd Administrative Court ruled against the Interior Ministry and concluded that there was a series of acts of negligence on the part of the ministry and that the bombing could have been prevented.

Çalan’s lawyer, Ferhat Kılınç, said the court’s ruling could set a precedent for the other people who were injured in the same explosion.

The bombing is believed to have been perpetrated by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). (turkishminute.com)

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