Turkish gov’t detains 34 health personnel over coup charges

At least 34 people have been detained over their alleged use of ByLock mobile application, which the government believes to be a top communication tool among Gülen movement followers on Tuesday.

The detainees are reported to be health personnel who were earlier dismissed from their positions as part of administrative investigations into the movement which is accused by the government of having organized a coup attempt on July 15, 2016. Police in 15 provinces carried out operations to round up 34 suspects in a Konya-based probe. Detention warrants were still outstanding for another 31 health personnel.

Critics often blast the government for detaining thousands simply for using a mobile application.

Over 135,000 people, including thousands within the military, have been purged over their alleged links to the Gülen movement since the coup attempt.

As of March 23, 94,982 people were being held without charge, with an additional 47,128 in pre-trial detention over their alleged links to the movement. A total of 7,317 academics were also purged as well as 4,272 judges and prosecutors, who were dismissed due to alleged involvement in the July 15 coup attempt. (SCF with turkeypurge.com) March 29, 2017

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