Turkish court denies pro-Kurdish politician’s request for release despite 1-year-old daughter’s asthma

A Turkish court has denied pro-Kurdish politician Esma Yılmaz’s request for release from pre-trial detention even though her 1-year-old daughter, kept in prison along with the mother, requires six months of treatment at a hospital for asthma.

Arrested on terror charges in December 2017, Yılmaz has been in pre-trial detention since then accompanied by her baby, who still needs breastfeeding.

A request by Yılmaz to be released due to the baby’s medical condition was recently turned down by a Turkish court in the eastern province of Mardin, the politician’s husband Mihdi Yılmaz told media on Monday. “My wife wants us to get the child out alone for treatment but she still needs breastmilk. How do we proceed without her mother?” Yılmaz said.

Ramazan Çağırga

Meanwhile, Ramazan Çağırga, the father of 10-year-old Cemile, who was killed by Turkish security forces during a siege on Cizre on September 4, 2015 and whose dead body was kept in a fridge for days due to denial of burial under a curfew, has been imprisoned by a Turkish court.

According to a report by the pro-Kurdish Fırat news agency four out of 30 people who were taken into custody during simultaneous house raids in Şırnak’s Cizre district on July 5 were arrested by a local court and sent to pre-trial detention at Şırnak T Type Closed Prison.

Besides Çağırga, Veysi Durgut, the Peoples’ Democratic Party’s HDP) parliamentary candidate for Manisa province in the June 24 elections, and two other people were remanded in custody for alleged “membership in a terrorist organization” and sent to Şırnak T Type Closed Prison. (SCF with turkeypurge.com)

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