Kemal Gün fined over 18,000 liras for ‘occupying public space’ on 82nd day of his hunger strike

Kemal Gün, the father of a militant of the leftist terror organization DHKC, who were killed in a airstrike, was on hunger strike for 90 days to get the body of his son.

Kemal Gün, a 70-year-old man who is on the 82nd day of a hunger strike he began to get the remains of his son, a militant of the far-left Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C) who was killed in an operation by Turkish security forces, has been fined over 18,387 Turkish Liras (4,600 Euro) for “occupying public space” in a park in eastern province of Tunceli (Dersim).

According to Turkish media, a fine worth 18,387 liras, which corresponds to 227 liras daily, was imposed on Kemal Gün over “occupying” the spot in which he has been carrying out his hunger strike. Kemal Gün’s son Murat was among 11 DHKP/C militants who were killed in an air bombardment by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) in Tunceli earlier this year. The remains of nine DHKP/C militants have not yet been returned to their families.

According to a report by Doğan news agency, Kemal Gün has commented on the administrative fine imposed on him and his deteriorating health conditions on Tuesday. He said, “They tell me that I’m occupying public space. But in fact, this place is a park and I have the right to sit here. My aches are increasing and my legs hurt. I have no strength to walk; people take me to the bathroom with a wheelchair. Sometimes I go with a walking stick. My health condition is deteriorating day by day and I’m losing weight.”

He also said that, “I have been constantly being harassed here. They apply some sort of psychological torture. This torture should end. I won’t leave this place until my son’s bones are given to me, I’ll continue my hunger strike until I die. I have no political aim and I’m not on hunger strike for political purposes. My only aim is to obtain my son’s bones.”

Gün, who weighed 74 kilograms when he began the hunger strike, has lost 13 kilograms over the past 81 days. Volunteer doctors who examine Gün regularly told Dihaber that there has been a loss of vision in Gün’s left eye and that his loss of weight and muscles continues.

May 16, 2017


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