Erdoğan targets LGBT, describes its influence as ‘tyranny’

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan renewed his verbal attacks on the LGBT community on Tuesday, labeling its influence as a form of “tyranny that even surpasses fascism,” the Duvar news website reported.

Erdoğan’s comments came during a press briefing on June 4 following a cabinet meeting in Ankara.

“The imposition of LGBT [on us] has turned into a form of tyranny, oppression and a means of corrupting society that even surpasses fascism,” Erdoğan said. He underscored the perceived threats to the traditional family structure, adding that his administration has undertaken significant efforts to fortify family institutions against such influences.

Erdoğan’s rhetoric aligns with his and the ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) broader anti-LGBT stance, which has increasingly become prominent during election campaigns. This hardline position has led to the banning and violent dispersal of annual Pride parades across Turkey.

In addition Erdoğan and AKP officials have indicated plans to draft a new constitution aimed at protecting the family structure from what they call “perverted movements,” presumably referring to the LGBT community.

Homosexuality is not illegal in Turkey, but homophobia is widespread. While there are no official figures, Turkey has slid down the LGBT rights index published by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA). Last year, it was ranked 47th out of the 49 countries ILGA lists in its Eurasia region.

The increase in hateful rhetoric against the LGBT community in Turkey coincided with Erdoğan’s electoral alliances in recent years with ultranationalist and ultraconservative political factions.

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