Conflicting reports arrive from Koruköy, blockaded by Turkish military

Pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party members who were trying to go into the village due to claims of torture was denied entry by the Turkish military.

Thirty-nine people have been detained, three killed and two lost in the village of Koruköy, which has been under military blockade since Feb. 11, in Nusaybin district of Mardin province, claimed the IMPnews news website on Saturday.

According to the report, a delegation of pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party members who were trying to go into the village due to claims of torture was denied entry by the Turkish military.

Villagers talked to Dihaber by telephone said they were not allowed to leave their houses or have contact with the outside world, adding that they and their animals face food and water shortages.

“They have been doing here whatever they did in Şırnak and in Sur before that,” said HDP deputy Leyla Bilik, who was in the delegation that was not allowed in to the village.

The HDP on Sunday called on national and international institutions to investigate what has been happening in Koruköy.

Citing security sources, Haberturk reported on Saturday that two top-level Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants were killed in Koruköy. ( Feb. 19, 2017

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