The Council of Europe (CoE) has urged Turkey to adapt its new legislation on demonstrations, public meetings and counterterrorism measures to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), Euronews reported on Monday.
The CoE’s spokesperson Daniel Holtgen said they were ready to cooperate with Turkey to make the new legislation, adopted after a two-year-long state of emergency, resonate with the convention.
Holtgen told Euronews they were expecting Turkey to fully implement the convention rules as he hoped that relations between the council and the Turkish government might be fixed.
Turkey declared a state of emergency immediately after a controversial coup attempt on July 15, 2016, during which human rights abuses and massive crackdowns on certain groups had occurred.
In addition to the dismissal of more than 140,000 public servants by state of emergency decrees, according to prominent law professor Yaman Akdeniz, more than 650,000 people were investigated on terrorism allegations.
After the parliamentary and presidential elections of June 24, the state of emergency was lifted, but the government passed new legislation restricting several rights, including free expression and free assembly. (