At least 27 women killed as victim of domestic violence in Turkey in November

At least 27 women were killed in and 29 children were subjected to sexual abuse in Turkey in November 2017, a prominent woman rights organization said. Thus the total number of the victims of gender-motivated murders raised to 366 during the first 11 months of the year 2017.

According to a new report by “We Will Stop Femicide Platform”, 27 women were killed in Turkey in November 2017. All of the women who were murdered are aged between 25-35 and 75 percent of them were killed because they wanted to divorce their partners. 12 women were killed at their homes.

İstanbul, Sakarya and Mersin topped the list for women murders. There were 39 cases of violence against women and 29 children were subjected to sexual abuse.

At least 40 women were killed while 25 women have been subjected to sexual violence and 32 children were subjected to sexual abuse in October 2017.

At least 6,375 women were killed across Turkey in last 15 years under the rule of Justice of Development Party (AKP) led by Turkish autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in Turkey.

According to information given by Şenal Sarıhan, a deputy of Turkey’s main opposition Republican People Party (CHP and deputy chairperson of the Parliamentary Commission on Human Rights Investigation, at a press conference on the occasion of November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the annual number of women who were killed was 66 in 2002 when the AKP came to power in Turkey, however this number in the country has been 338 in the first 10 months of 2017.

“We Will Stop Femicide Platform” has also warned of efforts to amend the law no 6284 to protect the family and prevent violence against women and said that the law saves lives of 42 thousand women annually.

The Platform releases monthly reports about gender-related violence and sexual abuse against children in Turkey since April 2013. The report only contains information that is collected from the media. The real numbers are thought to be much higher.

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