211 people killed, 248 maltreated, tortured in Turkey in July: report

CHP deputy Sezgin Tanrıkulu

Cases of human rights violations in Turkey in July included 211 deaths and 248 incidents of torture and maltreatment, with 67 of them taking place in prisons, according to the monthly Rights Violations Report prepared by human rights defender and opposition deputy Sezgin Tanrıkulu, Turkish media reported.

July saw 17 femicides, Tanrıkulu, a Republican People’s Party (CHP) lawmaker who also serves as deputy chairman of the parliamentary Human Rights Committee, said.

The report revealed that 146 workers died as a result of workplace accidents. Fifteen refugees were among those whose right to life was violated.

Two-hundred forty-eight people have been tortured or maltreated in prisons, hospitals and courthouses according to the report. Rights violations in prisons included denial of medical treatment, deprivation of basic needs including food, beds and warm water, and the forced transfer to other prisons

Turkish authorities launched investigations into one member of the press; one journalist was convicted; and four members of the press were detained.

According to the report, Turkish police intervened in at least 30 demonstrations, public press statements and gatherings last month, detaining 203 people, including five minors and arresting 10.

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